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发布时间: 2021-03-16 09:07:25

『壹』 盆栽哥有什么好听的歌


这位低调而口味独特的另类R & B歌手,是埃塞俄比亚移民二代,原名Ab e lT esfaye,17岁时参与音乐制作人Jerem yR ose的音乐项目,“T heW eeknd”意念代表“在某个周末离开,从此不再回来”的一种情绪,为免与加拿大乐队“T heWeekend”同名,便改了拼写。刚开始,这个名字可以说是一个音乐项目或者乐队,当Jerem y淡出之后,便成为A bel的个人代号。

他出道时颇为神秘,发表其后被称为“气球三部曲”的M ixtape合集时,幕后的身份无人知晓;当时还拒绝媒体公开采访,只接受在T w itter上对话。在他的成名之路上,天王好基友、加拿大好同乡D rake起了重要作用,在推特上大力推荐、相邀同台演出,还多次在《B illboard》等重要媒体访问中表示对他的热爱,大力提携,为初出茅庐的“盆栽哥”,带来第一波的好口碑,并令他顺理成章成为多位大牌招手的热门音乐人。在伦敦首秀上,他翻唱了M icheal Jackson名作《D irtyD iana》,座上的听众包括K aty P erry和Florence W elch。他的第一首美国十大作品,是与A riana G rande合唱的《L ove MeH arder》,也是今日成功的一大基石。


01Crew Love Drake;The Weekend

02 Into the Morning

03 Flipside

04 Gifted French Montana

05 There Goes My Heart

06 Kik Myself

07 Start It

08 Work It Out

09 California

10 Cold Feet

11 Pretty from the Outside

12 Nyla

13 Perfect World

14 Temporary Insanity

15 Victory

16 The Single

17 Bring It On

18 Out of Sight

19 Disconnected

20 Baby C'mon (Nu New Fast)


『贰』 你觉得贾斯汀 比伯和“盆栽哥“”,谁更适

继前些日子,外媒拍摄到贾斯汀 比伯与赛琳娜 戈麦斯一起约会吃饭后,两人又被狗仔拍摄到一通手挽手逛街、骑车的画面。










而“盆栽哥”就相对低调了,出道时相当神秘,虽然早在2011年,威肯就先后发行三张混音带《House Of Balloons》、《Thursday》以及《Echoes Of Silence》而出道,但直到2015年,随着电影《50度灰》的上映,为电影主题曲片尾曲献声的威肯才真正走红。


『叁』 美国国家博物馆的盆景“守望者”的创作人到底是谁


『肆』 盆栽哥在2015ama上唱的是什么歌

歌曲名:Don't Judge Me
歌手:Chris Brown
专辑:Don't Judge Me

Chris Brown - Don't Judge Me
i dont wanna go there
we should never go there
why you wanna go there
i guess i gotta go there
your hearing rumors about me
and you cant stomach the thought
of someone touchin my body
when your so close to my heart
i wont deny what their sayin'
because most of it is true
but it was all before i fell for you
so please babe
so please dont judge me
and i wont judge you
cause it could get ugly
before it gets beautiful
please dont judge me
and i wont judge you
and if you love me
then let it be beautiful
let it be beautiful, oh oh
let it be beautiful
let it be beautiful, oh ohh
let it be beautiful
everything i say right now
is gunna be used in another fight
i been through this so many times
can we change the subject?
you gunna start askin me questions like
"was she attractive? was she an actress?
baby the fact is ... "
your hearing rumors about me
and saw some pictures online
sayin they got you so angry
making you wish you were blind
before we start talkin crazy
sayin some things we'll regret
can we just slow it down
brace yourself. your beautiful
so baby..
so please dont judge me
and i wont judge you
cause it could get ugly
before it gets beautiful
please dont judge me
and i wont judge you
and if you love me
then let it be beautiful
just let the past, just be the past
and focus on things thats gunna make us last, take me as who i am
not who i was, i promise ill be.. the one that you can trust..
so please dont judge me
and i wont judge you
cause it could get ugly
before it gets beautiful
please dont judge me
and i wont judge you
and if you love me
then let it be beautiful
let it be beautiful
let it be beautiful
let it be beautiful
let it be beautiful
yeaah yeah yeaah
i dont wanna go there
we should never go there

『伍』 盆栽哥是谁


2、“盆栽哥”这个外号还是国内歌迷给取的昵称回。这个外号来自于The Weeknd的发型,答他常年顶着一头多变的“脏发”造型,并且这个发型很像盆栽,“盆栽哥”由此而来。盆栽哥比较有代表性的歌曲有《EarnedIt》、《Can‘t Feel MyFace》以及《The Hills》。

3、威肯(The Weeknd),原名阿贝尔·马可尼恩·特斯法耶(Abęl Makkonen Tesfaye),1990年2月16日出生于加拿大多伦多安大略士嘉伯,加拿大创作型歌手 。





『陆』 盆栽哥的女朋友是谁


『柒』 欧美歌手 THE Weeknd为什么叫盆栽哥


『捌』 盆栽哥的Earned it,歌词Cause girl you earned it后面的旋律是啥乐器发出的声音

Earned It (Fifty Shades Of Grey)
演唱: Weeknd

You make it look like it's magic
Cause I see nobody, nobody but you, you, you
I'm never confused
Hey, hey

I'm so used to being used
So I love when you call unexpected
Cause I hate when the moment's expected
So I'm a care for you, you, you
I'm a care for you, you, you, you, yeah
Cause girl you're perfect
You're always worth it
And you deserve it
The way you work it
Cause girl you earned it
Girl you earned it

You know our love would be tragic
So you don't pay it, don't pay it no mind
We live with no lies
Hey, hey
You're my favorite kind of night

So I love when you call unexpected
Cause I hate when the moment's expected
So I'm a care for you, you, you
I'm a care for you, you, you, you, yeah
Cause girl you're perfect
You're always worth it
And you deserve it
The way you work it
Cause girl you earned it
Girl you earned it

On that lonely night
You said it wouldn't be love
But we felt the rush
It made us believe it there was only us
Convinced we were broken inside, inside

Cause girl you're perfect
You're always worth it
And you deserve it
The way you work it
Cause girl you earned it

『玖』 赛琳娜盆栽哥分手了吗


至于此前赛琳娜被拍与旧爱贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)进餐、去教堂,有内部人士透露,两人并未复合。


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